
Matthew Brandt

Decision Science: Making Better Decisions with an Easy 5-Step Process


Dienstag, 14. November 2023


On demand


Most organisations aim to be “data-driven” but never truly question the purpose of why data is collected in the first place: to make better decisions. However, how do we know what a good decision looks like and how can we be certain? Discover the significance of developing research questions through data exploration and cleansing, and witness the magic of collaborative rapid iterations with stakeholders instead of week- or month-long back and forth antics. Learn to measure decision impact through experimentation and tracking key metrics, empowering you to have the best possible outcome. Unlock the secrets to confident decision-making. Join us for an insightful journey through a powerful 5-Step process named Prime Route, with concrete examples and most importantly, interctive From framing data within relevant contexts to uncovering hidden insights through the „5x WHY“ technique, Matthew will guide you towards making informed choices.

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