
Andre Wagner

MMM: Creation with limited resources and its business application


Dienstag, 19. November 2024




Taxfix embarked on a journey to integrate Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) into their measurement solutions, starting with an evaluation of its potential benefits. Recognizing the value of MMM, they then faced the decision of whether to build or buy the solution, considering the resource constraints they had at the time. This presentation explains why Taxfix believed MMM was valuable, how they decided on the build vs. buy question, and how they utilized the first version for decision-making. Taxfix also explored other solutions that added value to their MMM efforts. As they look ahead, this presentation will outline Taxifix‘ plans for the next iteration of our MMM, focusing on future improvements and innovations. Join Andre Wagner to learn how Taxfix successfully created and applied MMM with limited resources, and gain insights into the evolving landscape of MMM.




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